
Do you find yourself afflicted by any of the following problems?

  • You feel you are stuck in repeating patterns/have feelings of deja vu
  • You find you are attracting similar situations across different areas of your life
  • Your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner always leaves you
  • People always argue/pick a fight with you
  • You find yourself questioning why God has abandoned or mistreated/is punishing you
  • You find yourself asking “Why me” or “What have I done wrong”
  • You feel that to struggle is the only way to have success
  • You believe life should be difficult
  • You believe you should suffer to be accepted
  • You feel you are destined to be alone
  • You feel that good things come to those who wait
  • You or other people believe you are acting strangely

If so, Route to Excellence can help.

We Can Help

There is growing scientific evidence that toxic emotions may contribute to disease and the awareness that emotions, feelings and the power of thought have a direct bearing upon our physical health. As a result, there is growing interest to change how the mind influences the body to create optimum health.


“The ThetaHealing® technique does not oblige you to give up any other teaching, interests or professional/spiritual directions you may already have or believe. It transcends dogma and goes beyond all religions whilst accepting them all.”

The types of Consultations provided are below:

  • Healing
  • Workshops
  • Webinars/Seminars
  • Short Courses
  • Intensive Courses
  • Scholarships are also available (get in touch to discuss in more detail)

Before each consultation, it is necessary to think about what you would like to change in your life. Always be positive.

During each consultation you will understand your limiting beliefs and through the changing of these beliefs, your life will develop and move in a more positive direction.

All the changes of beliefs or downloads during the sessions are agreed with you and you will be aware of every change during the process. Free will is a part of the healing journey.

ThetaHealing® is best known for “Belief” and “Feeling” work across all four of the following levels:

  • Core
  • Gene
  • History
  • Soul

The average length of a consultation is usually between 60-90 minutes however, this can be longer on some occasions based on individual requirements and needs. The first consultation will highlight the depth of the issue and will determine if further consultation is needed to bring it to its natural positive conclusion.

Latest News

Theta healing kurzy 2020/ Theta healing courses 2020

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